Release date: June 15, 2020
Budget planning is a big part of media planning and it includes dividing you budgets in smaller parts. In MediaPlanHQ, you can both divide your budgets by campaign but also by organizations. Organizations are a powerful way to assign budget/expenses to entities, which could be different categories, departments or physical buildings.
What happens though is that things change, they evolve. Meaning your organization structure will change. In order to facilitate adapting to those changes, we have added the possibility to archive an organization you do not need anymore while keeping it for record keeping purposes.
Let see how it works...
For existing users, all features works exactly the same as before if you don't use the archive organization button in your account.
Archive Organization
Archiving an organization is very easy as you only have to go to the organization you want to archive and click on a single button.
Once done, the organization will be marked as archived:
It will also disappear from the Planning, Production and Accounting filters.
Accessing archived organizations and it's related data
How to access the archived organization related data since the organization does not appear in filters?
First you have to select the organization status filter to include archived organization (or potentially only archived organization):
Once archived organizations are displayed, you can access it's related data with a set of buttons for media insertions (in the list, details, blocking chart, calendar or analysis view), projects and invoices:
That's it ! We hope you'll enjoy the new archive organization feature.
Give it a try and let us know what you think !
As always, don't hesitate to send us your great feedback or other idea for new features !
Have a great day,
The MediaPlanHQ team
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